Why I gave up a 25-year corporate career to restart from ground zero

The universe has a unique way of sending us messages.

This time last year, I received a message that I wasn’t expecting.
The work I invested 7 years building no longer requires me.

So when my job left me, I dived straight into searching for my next purpose and identity.
I spent weeks scouring job postings on LinkedIn to find my answers.

When I studied each impressive job description, I felt numb inside.
Each time I asked myself,
if today is my last, would I be happy doing any of those listed tasks?

By last September, I began to understand the universe’s message.
I was looking for a different answer.

At 48, it was not a decision I took lightly.

That was me finding the courage to walk away from what could be my last chance at an ideal corporate role.

I didn’t know what my future holds.
But I knew it would not be about me.

With a leap of faith, I left my comfort nest to restart from ground zero.

I made a promise this new chapter will transcend my personal story.
It will be about helping others find fulfilment and become their best selves.

This vision led to Positive Minds, my coaching practice dedicated to bringing others’ stories to life.

In this new chapter, I want to be a Growth Mindset Coach.
I will dedicate my time to helping others find their hashtag#ICAN and thrive with confidence and courage.

hashtag#ICAN is the power of trusting ourselves.

It represents our ability to overcome challenges and thrive.
When we truly believe in our potential to grow and succeed.
Even when our world doubts us.

The same mentality that pulled me from the grasp of being labelled a ‘no hoper’ at 15, to overcoming many ‘mountains’ in my career and personal life in more ways than I had hoped for.

Today, I am proud to invite you into the home of Positive Minds.

This is more than just a digital storefront.

It is …
→ who I am and what I stand for.
→ my extended hand to join me in embracing the spirit of hashtag#ICAN.
→ my open invitation to those by the sidelines, to step into their power and rewrite their own stories

This took 7 months in the making.
The most difficult part wasn’t the technicality.
It was overcoming myself to rediscover who I am meant to be.

I choose to believe every message has a reason.

Our power is in the choices we make. 👊

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Picture of Michael Foo

Michael Foo

Growth Mindset Coach | Helping committed millennials find their #ICAN using 3 steps mindPLUS+ framework

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