The Power of Once

It has been said the first time is the most memorable.

But what if it can also be the most disruptive?

Years ago, my former CEO shared a simple yet profound principle:

“When we allow ‘just this once,’ we open the door to excuses.”
“A small compromise will lead to a habit that could sabotage your entire effort.

Never underestimate the Power of Once.”

That was his point – when we allow ourselves a single exception,
it could change the course and set a pattern.

Studies show it takes about 66 days to form a new habit.

But it only takes one exception to break that momentum and start a mental cycle of excuses.

And for most of us, that “just once” is all it takes for our plans to go off track.

That sets me thinking – what if we could turn this power of once into something positive?

Just like one small exception can lead us off track,
taking one intentional first step forward challenges our limiting mindset
and can lead us towards the career and lifestyle we want.

What about you?

→ Was there a moment where you allowed “just once” to sabotage your progress?
→ What first step can you take to get closer to your desired career or lifestyle?
→ What results would change if you made that ‘’just once’’ choice today?

“Once” may seem insignificant.

Yet it only takes “once” to start a change.

I hope this post can be the start of a positive “once” for you.

📌 How has the power of once played out for you so far?

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Picture of Michael Foo

Michael Foo

Growth Mindset Coach | Helping committed millennials find their #ICAN using 3 steps mindPLUS+ framework

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