What is #ICAN

#ICAN is the power of trusting ourselves.

It represents our ability to overcome challenges and thrive when we truly believe in our potential to grow and succeed.

My Vision

Champion a #ICAN movement to empower individuals to thrive with confidence and courage.

My Mission

Help committed millennials and youths crush self-doubts and find their #ICAN.

My Work

Inspire those standing on the sidelines, thinking, "I wish I could..." to find power and rewrite their stories.

Everyone has a unique story.

Growing up as an introvert, I often felt out of place. At 15, I failed 6 out of 9 subjects in my finals. I still remember the day my mom looked at me with disappointment in the principal’s office when told, “At this rate, he will never pass his exams.”

That moment was no longer about passing my exams; it was about taking control of my future. I realized I had to be accountable to myself and prove that I could succeed, even if my world doubted me.

Finding My #ICAN

Michael Jordan once said, “Limits like fears are often just an illusion” Inspired, I spent the next 10 months studying intensely—10 hours a day, 7 days a week. My goal was clear: to prove to myself that I could do it.

By 16, I had transformed. I stopped playing the victim and started taking responsibility for my own path. I learned that our response to circumstances, not the circumstances themselves, defines us.

Our Mindset is a Life Skill and Our Greatest Strength

This journey taught me the power of focus, belief, and responsibility. Since then, I’ve conquered many obstacles:

  • Earning a distinction in Marketing as an engineering student
  • Giving up career promotions twice to learn new roles
  • Overcoming cultural and language gaps to lead teams in Indonesia
  • Navigating numerous corporate re-structures in my 25-year career
  • Bouncing forward from retrenchment to become a solopreneur at 48

Each challenge seemed like a mountain, but having a growth mindset helped me overcome it all. It wasn’t about eliminating self-doubt; it was about learning to control it.

My growth mindset became a life skill and my greatest strength.

Together We Will Rewrite Your Stories

Now, as a coach and mentor, I’m here to help you find your #ICAN.

Together, we will help you rewrite your stories and live unapologetically by your rules.

Enjoy, achieve, and live more in life the way YOU want.

The same way others have found theirs