Author: Michael Foo
How would you want your story to be told?
Growing up in Marine Parade in the 80s, East Coast Park (ECP) has always held a special place in my heart. Every evening, my caretaker (an elderly neighbour in his 60s), would bring me to ECP for his daily walk. It was the highlight of my day, as I listened to his fascinating life stories…
This is a promise not to ‘chicken out’ again
My inbox received a few pleasant surprises over the past weeks. These were DMs from former peers in my corporate days.Some of whom I have not been in contact with for 10 years. They were more than a note of ‘hello, well done’.They were heartwarming reminders of ‘what ifs.’ Last October, I was confident my…
Why it is better to be Tarzan than Rambo
As I approach my final year in my 40s, I took a mini-sabbatical this week – my first overseas solo vacation to recharge and reflect on my first half of 2024. During my time alone, I reflected on the 10 most important insights I have gained that have shaped my journey since starting a new…
Do you wish you could be better at what you do?
Today marks my 50th consecutive post since I became ‘active’ on LinkedIn. 50 posts may not sound like a big deal.Yet, writing today’s post fills me with satisfaction. Life has a unique way of teaching us. ✨ You see, 50 posts ago, I felt I had nothing valuable to contribute on this platform. I was an…
This is the story of how my client found his #ICAN
When I started coaching last October, my goal was to bring others’ #ICAN stories to life. This is X’s story … (shared with client’s consent) X was a shy executive whom I used to mentor. When we reconnected last November, I saw his pride when he told me he was the founder of a boutique…
Why I gave up a 25-year corporate career to restart from ground zero
The universe has a unique way of sending us messages. This time last year, I received a message that I wasn’t expecting.The work I invested 7 years building no longer requires me. So when my job left me, I dived straight into searching for my next purpose and identity.I spent weeks scouring job postings on…
5 ways you can gain an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE through coaching.
When does good become → great? Often, when we encounter challenges, we take on the burden alone by spending time and money on self-help solutions. As we do that, our obstacles become 10x more overwhelming as time passes. Doubts creep in and we question our ability to make positive changes. A vicious cycle starts and…
Here’s how you can turn EXPECTATIONS → HAPPINESS
As Psychologist Dr Albert Ellis calls it, stop ‘must-urbating’ with ourselves, and ‘should-ing’ on others. Expectations are our strong beliefs of what must or should happen from our interactions with the world. They shape our perceptions of events and people, leading to disappointment when reality falls short of what we desire. Our relationships are largely…